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14: The Beginning


In conclusion, when the reader has been exposed to facts identifying the hidden agenda of the Churches and clergy you will truly be brought to a new beginning.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 279
Most books share information, draw a conclusion and bring you to an end, but NOT this book!

This book brings you to a new beginning!

The information presented in this book has primarily focused on issues of deception within the Churches of this land; Churches, you and your family have probably attended, supported and trusted for years and years.

We have put on the bright lights and dispelled some of the darkness and confusion by which you have been controlled. But just as you come into the bright light after being in the dark for a long time it can be quite shocking and blinding. Let yourself adjust. You may wish to read this book over again or read areas of specific interest in order to understand the issues more fully. We do not suggest that you rely solely on the statements made within this book. In fact, to the contrary, we strongly encourage your additional research . . .get more information. As the Good Book says,. . . “Study to show yourself approved”!!

This book has exposed you to many elements of deception and hopefully it has brought you to an understanding of how deeply rooted these deceptions are and how they have affected all of us.

As you continue to do your own study and research, something will happen to you as you verify, confirm and find more information. You will now possess something you didn’t have before. You will possess the truth and the facts and as you study making it yours, you will have the ability to share it with others. . . .

Page 280
Unfortunately, much more can be expounded on than we can fit in this book. The information and discussions shared with you here are crucial and relate to all aspects of your life both, your physical mortal life and your physical eternal life, if you choose to accept that gift.

A new beginning is before you. Choices you must face, decisions you must make. Will you ask the simple effective questions of your clergy proving if they are aligned with Scripture? Will you study for yourself further expanding your knowledge? Or will you stay with the status quo and help perpetrate the error? It’s all a matter of choice!

It’s fair to assume that your clergy may also have been deceived and may not understand the facts we have shared with you. If he’s honest, he will understand his accountability in the face of judgement as his position is far more critical due to his responsibility to shepherd the flock. Yahweh is very concerned how his flock is treated and cared for and addresses this matter numerous times in Scripture.

The beginning of the rest of your life starts today!


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13: Test the Clergy


A complete chapter of over 180 questions you can ask the Clergy.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 263
“For the priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth. . .” Malachi 2:7

You have the right to ask questions of your clergy. It’s their responsibility to keep knowledge and teach you properly in the law. . .

Properly structured questions will allow you to identify the caliber of teacher or clergy you are dealing with. However, Caution is highly recommended! Certain questions posed to clergy who are not capable of answering properly can be very threatening and can expose their true posture and ignorance of the Law. They may not appreciate your questions, your curiosity or your interests and may become defensive and sometimes even hostile in an effort to protect their pride, and ignorance.

Don’t dispair! There are many others who are awakening to the restoration of truth. You will not be the first to meet opposition and you are not alone. Truth is to be shared . . . so please feel free to share it! Share it with all who will listen!

If Scripture were taught truthfully and properly, these questions and many others could easily be answered by anyone claiming to follow a faith based in Scripture. An element of the true faith is that we are called to be priests so we may teach others. You may find this not to be the case where the spirit of error has prevailed and blinded the clergy.

(A few samples)

How can there be a separation between Church and State if the Church is incorporated with the State?

Pastor, Minister, Priest, Rabbi how long have marriage licenses been used?

If marriage licenses are relatively new, why do we need them?

Do you baptize them in the Name of the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit?

After you baptize people, can they tell in whose Name they have just been baptized?

Church literature speaks of generic titles of god and lord. We know there are many gods? How can you tell which god is the real one?

If people say they believe in god, and god is a generic title would that allow everyone of differing cultures to be appeased by thinking they are worshiping the god of their choice? Would this be disobedience to the First Commandment?

When does the year begin, according to Scripture?

Why does the moon play such an important role in the Scriptural reckoning of time?

. . .And many many more


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12: The Judeo – Christian Faith


Although this book is written to a Christian audience where many percieve Christianity to be of a Judeo-Christian in origin; when one comes to understand Judaism, the facts identify otherwise. Deception is rampant in both Christianity and Judaism. A discussion of the true role of Christianity and how it interfaces with Judaism.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 223
The Judeo-Christian faith is an oxymoron. It can never be.

To speak of a Judeo-Christian faith is equivalent to speaking of thundering silence, describing a short, tall man, or hot ice cream. An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which opposite or contradictory ideas or terms are combined. They are words used to confuse the mind.

To consider a discussion exposing the fallacy of the Judeo – Christian faith, one must understand the major differences between the two faiths.

Judaism rests primarily in the Talmud and relies on Rabbinical understanding, the traditions of men, rather than the simplicity of the Law given in the Torah. Judaism places burdens where they were never meant to be. This is what Our Saviour vehemently opposed and preached against. Christianity today, basically does the same so, in that regard, it may be said that it is a Judeo – Christian faith.

The word Jew is a word that is designed to confuse. To use it properly you must identify the context and references to which you are speaking each and every time it is used.

Are you speaking of a person, . . . a group of people, . . . people from Judea, . . .or possibly members of the tribe of Judah? Are you making reference to the Israelites, . . .or Israelis from Israel? Are we speaking of a people who are of Ashkenaz, Sephardic, or of other origins who call themselves Jews today? These questions and others must always be considered in order to identify the correct use of the word in every case.

Most organized denominations promote or consider Judaism, the religion of the Jews, to be the basis of the Christian faith. Many feel it is proper to bless the Jews, those following Judaism, and in so doing they also would be blessed. Are they misreading and misunderstanding the Scriptures? Do they truly understand what they believe? Who are the Jews? What is their faith? Are the Jews the chosen people of Scripture? Who are those, “that are called Jews, but are of the ‘Synagogue of Satan,” as identified in Revelation 2:9; 3:9?

Again, let us rely on common sense and logic to examine this topic.

Page 228
When we speak of the true faith we speak of the faith of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not the faith of the Jews and Judaism.

Page 229
When considering the differences, it becomes very apparent that there could never be a Judeo-Christian faith.

Those who align with Scripture trace their genealogy paternally (through the father), as opposed to Jews or being Jewish, whose lineage is defined by a maternal lineage (through the mother). This discrepancy is about as far apart as East is from West.

Page 243
Other Jewish sources that will attest to the validity of the matter are numerous.

“. . .we emphasized that there is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. . . .there is not any similarity between the two concepts.” Quoting Rabbi Moshe M. Maggal, 1961 in The Meaning of Judaism, by Rabbi Roland B. Gittelsohn, The World Publishing Company, 1970 p. 50

“. . .dialogues between Jews and Christians make no sense because there is neither common ground nor the possibility of important, unifying consequences. . . .
I think it’s high time somebody broke down and admitted that the phrase “Judeo-Christian tradition” is one of the most successful public-relations triumphs of the century. Our ancestors, both Christian and Jewish, would hardly have understood it. . . As Professor Walter Kaufmann of Princeton has pointed out, there is no more reason to talk about a Judeo-Christian tradition than there is to talk about a Judeo-Islamic or a Greco-Christian tradition. . .”

Antisemitism – Its History and Causes by Bernard Lazare, The International Library Publishing Co., 1903 pp.165-166


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11: Come Out Of Her My People


It’s time to get serious. The facts before us call for prudent decision and wisdom to prevail.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 198
In the last few chapters we have exposed many factors identifying that Churches and Synagogues do not follow basic concepts of Scripture. In actuality, they are far removed from them.

If you wouldn’t go to a brothel to find a virtuous woman, then why would you go to a Church or Synagogue that denies Scriptural law to learn about Scripture.

Christianity, as a system of belief, doesn’t work and can’t possibly ever work because people are not being presented the truth of Scripture. Christianity, as practiced today, is full of idolatry, pagan practices and error. As long as lies and deception are the agenda, blessings will never prevail. We must learn to separate ourselves from what will defile and destroy us; we must understand the difference between the holy and the profane and that they cannot be mixed.

We have exposed multiple elements which are taught under the guise of “Christianity” which have nothing to do with the truth. The actual intent, deceptively and ever so subtly employed by “Christian” churches at large, is to lure you away and keep you far removed from the knowledge which lead you to the truth of liberty. It is senseless to pick any denomination over another as they have all been deficient in their duty.

“For all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of Yahweh,” Romans 3:23

Yes, all means, ALL!

“This people draweth nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honoreth Me with their lips; but have removed their heart far from Me. But in vain they do worship, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” Matt 15:8-9 and Isaiah 29:13

These texts and many others may now take on new significance for you.

It’s not our purpose that you abandon your faith but instead it is our desire to help you identify its true value and understand it more fully; help you learn how to restore it and how to further enhance it through learning about its practical application as it relates to your freedom and protection. The information presented to you in this book is meant to enlighten and motivate you focusing your attention on critical issues in order that you can begin to study for yourself. Use this information as a launching pad to boost your faith to new heights of understanding. Move from error, get back to basics! Focus on primary issues and navigate carefully through the maze of deception and confusion to which you have been exposed.

Many valuable resources are available to assist you in your study. Share the knowledge you acquire with family and friends. In a very short time your knowledge can exceed that of most clergy who have, in many cases have also been deceptively indoctrinated.

Page 205
If you want to clean up society the best place to start is by cleaning up the Churches. Within a properly structured Scriptural organization, people will learn about a government and a system of economics that will not fail. Seventy percent of Scripture teaches about the administration of people and government. It is “The Book of Law.” This Law was not given to individuals but rather to a nation of people who were called to come out of the stifling bondage, ignorance and oppression they were under.

It is the only Book on the planet that will teach you about the LAW OF LIBERTY. Most churches teach religion, not law. Religion is full of opinion and justification for human acts with tradition and error as its foundation. The law, on the other hand, is absolute. It is a teacher and your strength when applied properly. It’s your owner’s manual for a free and lawful society.

Page 209
Churches love to spiritualize everything away. Send it off to the future so they can keep you from looking at reality today. Reality is not what they are about. If the meek shall inherit the earth, where then do you think you will be in the end? We were made from the earth; it was given to us. It was made before us and for us. IT IS OUR INHERITANCE!

“Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, ON EARTH as it is in heaven. . . .”

We are the specific conduits through which Yahweh’s will is to be brought on this earth. We are literally the physical tools He employs to accomplish His will on this earth TODAY, not in some spiritual future time as taught by the churches. That’s just another ploy used to make the law ineffective. The churches are continually working to keep the truth and its benefits away from you.

The truth of Scripture is real, for a real world, with real people and with real consequences. . . Now! On This Earth!!


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10: Pro Christian Pro Life Pro Abortion


Here we look at the pro death movement and the silent agenda the church plays in that role.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 179
The shocking truth is that there is no conflict between abortion and the truth of Scripture. A believer can in good conscience be both, pro-life and pro-abortion.

The conflict exists due to a misunderstanding of certain basic facts of law, status, jurisdiction and what is really taught by Scripture.

. . . We must be very clear in our discussion here in order to avoid any confusion. For that reason, let us identify the definition of some specific terms.

“Abortion” is the natural expulsion of the fetus. A miscarriage is an abortion.

“Aborticide” is a different matter completely. Aborticide is the willful destruction of the fetus. Aborticide, like genocide, is murder. A good dictionary will validate and confirm these definitions.

Abortion is a natural occurrence while aborticide is the willful destruction.

When we commonly speak about abortion, we do not mean abortion at all, but instead, we mean aborticide. We have believed and accepted a lie, another perversion of the truth. . .

As identified in Webster’s New World Dictionary Second Colloge Edition, defines the following: “Criminal Abortion” is an abortion that has been unnaturally or unlawfully induced; thus, unless specified, abortion is the natural expulsion of the fetus.

If a society can be led to the point of believing such great lies, whereby it will work to self destruct by killing its own young, is there any evil that will not be accepted by these people?

They accept evil for good and consider good as evil. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil . . .” Isaiah 5:20

Page 181
The critical word on which the right to aborticide was decided was the word “person.”

The civil State ascribes no value to something that has no use or benefit to it. A person, in the realm of the civil State, is nothing more than a subject which the State can use as an asset for its needs. A person, by definition of the State, can only exist as a function of its own power. It must be able to breathe on its own, which a fetus cannot do. Therefore, a fetus in the civil arena has no rights. Any rights ascribed to it are dictated by the civil subject who carries it. It is a thing of little value to the State god.

The civil State, under its power of civil authority, recognizes no life where organic life truly exists. Civil rights do not extend to the fetus in its organic state, but only to persons in their civil status. This is another witness to the supremacy of Supreme Law over Civil Law.

As the Church incorporates and changes its status, recognizing the superiority of the State, so it is when one accepts a social security number and wishes to be recognized by Caesar, the State god. A change in status takes place as a matter of contract and individual choice. Just as the Church could not change its status without a request to the State, so it is with your status; you must apply and affix your signature to your formal and personal request. You must ask to join Caesars’ club and desire to be in his realm. You are lured into this relationship by accepting what appears to be benefits offered by the State without ever truly realizing the cost.

You were born free! . . . You must ask to become a slave.

The State can give nothing it does not take from someone or something else. It grows nothing, it produces nothing and its administration to society comes at a great cost. A person’s value in natural law is totally diminished once they regard the State as an authority over them. They no longer are the creators of government, but instead now succumb to being its subjects and residents.

They no longer lead the State, but are in fact, led (or misled) by the State.

Then again, if most people are willing to work all week for a value of between fifteen to twenty five cents, what is their true value anyway? In a throw away society they are regarded as consumers, they are “consumable” having little or no value. If the decisions people make do not ascribe real value to themselves, then how or why should they expect their value to be perceived differently by others? Within such a society there always develops a general trend of demon-ization or demo-ralization in a demo-cracy.

Page 187
“Divide and conquer” is still an effective strategy that comes to us wrapped in many different packages, tactfully employed by the adversary.

In Georgia, on Route 77, North of Elberton, there is a large stone monument constructed in 1980 that calls for the extermination of nine tenths of the world’s population. Read for yourself the wording of one of the inscriptions on this New World Order monument.

“Maintain Humanity under 500,000,000 in Perpetual Balance with Nature; Guide Reproduction Wisely, Improving Fitness and Diversity; Unite Humanity with a Living New Language; Rule Passion – Faith – Tradition and all Things with Tempered Reason; Protect People and Nations with Fair Laws and Just Courts; Let all Nations Rule Internally, Resolving External Disputes in a World Court; Avoid Petty Laws and Useless Officials; Balance Personal Rights with Social Duties; Prize Truth – Beauty – Love – Seeking Harmony with the Infinite; Be not a Cancer on the Earth, Leave Room for Nature – Leave Room for Nature.”

This coincides with a recent United Nations treaty wherein nature worship is to become the State mandated religion. Treaty Document 103-20 is also known as the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Sounds pretty good if your one of the elite. Plenty of room for nature, just not enough room for people, . . . nine out of ten would be exterminated. The elimination of consumption and the protection of nature is what we all should focus on for good old mother earth. Propaganda and mind control work as well in Russia as it does in the United States.

Save a whale . . . kill a baby. Pray to nature . . . kill yourself.

Page 190
Stuck like a bug, in a web of deception!! . . . And spun by those who you respected and trusted. How cunning, how subtle, how devious. . . . and how very, very sad!


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09: The Gift of Fools


In this chapter we examine money and tithe, what the churches lead the people into versus what Scripture teaches about the matter.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 160
Q. Can you cure thirst with more thirst? Can you cure hunger with more hunger?

If both of these are impossible then the teachings of the Church and what it claims are also impossible.

Can you lead people to salvation by keeping them in bondage?

A thirsty man cannot be satisfied with an empty glass, nor can the truth of Scriptural salvation and the benefits thereof be realized when the clergy works against the interests of the people.

Can you alleviate the problems of a society that are caused by a debt based monetary system by creating, giving or collecting more debt? In essence, can you cure debt, with more debt?

Impossible in all cases. You will remain thirsty, hungry, and impoverished as a society until you break away from the lies and get back to the truth. It is totally impossible to be charitable by offering someone debt.

Ecclesiastes 5:1 cautions us about what to do with money when going to church, it reads, “Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of Elohim, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil.”

In church after church throughout the land, one hears about giving, paying tithe, how the “lord” loves a cheerful giver, but never do you hear the above text as it relates to giving.

The clergy would rather that you didn’t know or understand the truth about giving and paying tithe so they can lead and direct you where they choose . . . where they must.

This text means, if you are going to church, keep your eyes and ears open. Keep your wits about you and don’t be a participant in the fleecing. Keep your wallets and your pocketbooks closed.

It is literally impossible to pay a tithe or make an offering with either a check, money order or cash as we will soon see. Doing so would be offering the “gift of fools.”

In the previous chapter we briefly discussed the issue of taxes. Taxes are only symptomatic of a much larger problem in which the churches participate, that of a system of money which destroys every society that uses it.

You must remember, modern churches are agents of the State. Teaching of Scripture and the alignment of Scriptural principles is no longer their primary objective. Their task is to bring you into alignment with public policy as dictated by the State.


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08: Agent DeVil, 00-666


In this Chapter we look at the allegience of the Church, her relationships and the underlying agenda you are not to see.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 143
In every good story there are good guys and bad guys and one of them always wins over the other.

In this case the church is an agent assigned to bring you to her master. Does she bring you to liberty or does she bring you to bondage? Does she bring you to the good guy or does she bring you to the bad guy?

The church, as instructed, will bring you to whom she obeys and serves. If the church serves the Saviour she will bring you to Salvation. If she serves any other she will bring you to destruction.

Page 147
Roger Williams discovered that the allegiance of the church was tied to the money trail. The clergy was obedient to those who paid them and gave them benefits, the State. His book openly confronted the issue stating in no uncertain terms that if the clergy were paid by, or received benefits from the State, they were “none of Christ’s,” but did, in fact, belong to the State, their true master.

In this Country, especially in Church, falsehood abounds. The bigger the lie the more it’s accepted. Because there are few who will truly investigate a matter for themselves, deception is wide spread and quite easy to accomplish. It is easier to believe people in authority who claim to know the truth, than to research a matter and prove it for yourself.

In church after church and throughout the media, we are continually told and reminded there is and must be a separation of Church and State, yet in reality, with only the least bit of academic acumen and the simplest deductive reasoning of a child, one can easily ascertain that there is NO separation! They are really ONE in purpose.

As Roger Williams discovered then, so it is the same today. Churches are hirelings of the State and are not in any way serving the intent of their Scriptural duties.

If there were a separation of Church and State, they would act independently of each other. However, when we examine the issue we find just the opposite is true. There is a great deal of harmony and collusion between them.

Page 150
Naturally this does not come without cost. The task of the church and the clergy is to now bring all their members under control of the State, the new god and authority of the church. This is accomplished by ignoring Scriptural law and keeping you away from the truth through the use of contracts and deviant forms of currency in which we should never participate.

The Church turning from the Creator and looking for blessings from the creature has reversed the roles, now instead of the church feeding the sheep the sheep must be used to feed the church and subsequently the State. That means fleece the sheep or sacrifice them! Get whatever you can out of them while you can!

Anyone who goes to those churches will become designated victims. It may be difficult to comprehend how you are victimized but read on to “unmasque” more of today’s “Christianity.”

Page 157
It is only through ignorance and the promotion of deception that people can be led into the servitude of bondage.

You do not create a strong country by making its people weak, or by reducing their assets. A rich nation is not made up of poor people. The clergy, as the shepherd, does not care for or nurture the flock when it works to continually fleece the sheep and offer them as sacrifices to their worldly master.

Page 158
Now perhaps you can begin to understand why the Churches of this land have lost their ability to lead the sheep. They are going the wrong way! They cannot lead when they, themselves are lost!!

Exposure to the Churches’ hidden agenda creates an opportunity for you to choose. Do you become another victim in support of the lie or do you help unmasque the deception and remove yourself from it?

Do you turn away from truth sticking your head in the sand or go into a state of denial because of your admiration and love for the clergy or people in your church? Be honest with yourself!

Don’t look for truth from those who have no respect for it, or those who disregard the very Law that will keep us free.

“No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve Yahweh and mammon”
Luke 16:13

Only when you begin to comprehend these issues can you fully understand the Scriptural condemnation of the clergy and why it is so strong, and so fully justified.

Special Agent DeVil 00-666 masquerading as “the true church” tells you how nice heaven will be tomorrow while he leads you straight to hell today. Just another lie incorporating the same tactics used in the first great lie told to Eve, “you can disobey and live,. . . you won’t die.”


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07: The Open Door


Here in this chapter we examine details of the Scriptural system of time, its unique physical benefits that can be gained and how it offers everyone the opportunity to choose for themselves who they will serve.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 129
“. . .behold I set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept My word, and hast not denied My Name” Revelation 3:8

An open door that no man can shut, where does it lead?

Page 132
The plan of salvation was developed before time itself, therefore those who align themselves to His appointed times will be in the proper order of design, and will be prepared to receive His blessings . . . as it is written. As Noah prepared and benefitted, so will others who obey the scheduled appointments.

People who make time fit their desires have no regard for the Author of time. When they run out of time where will they get more? The choice is one life time or His time . . . Eternal time!!

Page 134
This Country was at one time a great Nation; a Nation born in conflict and burdens, and through it, a search for liberty. Our forefathers worked to break every yoke in order that men may be free to pursue life, liberty and happiness. That their families, their children and their children’s children may receive the blessings they strived to gain. Liberty came with rules and responsibilities that had to be maintained in order that future generations might keep it.

Page 135
. . . To keep and maintain liberty we had to obey Supreme law.

Liberty also came with a price. The cost was blood . . . real blood . . . From Real Men!! So others may benefit. It wasn’t spiritual, it was real.

In years past when our forefathers studied Scripture in schools, in their homes, in their churches and assemblies, they yearned and searched for the truth. They were oppressed by the traditions of the State controlled Church, burdensome taxes and government control. Many great men rose to lead, but not as men lead today; they were Statesmen not Politicians. They led not in power and control, but in service to their fellow men. They sought to bond with others who were of like minds and hearts. That’s when ships were made of wood and men were made of iron . . . unfortunately, days long past.

The message they left for us, cast in steel, “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land” is inscribed on Our Liberty Bell and taken directly from Leviticus 25:10. “Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound, on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land. And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you . . .”

Isn’t it ironic that our liberty bell has cracked as we have traded our liberty for license? We have disregarded the Law and now seek counsel from those who use the law to manipulate us through our own ignorance. We’ve been fooled by our guides.

Yet, a glimmer of hope! Are there eyes that will see; and ears that will still hear? Can truth be restored? Can error be removed?

Is liberty to be restored ? Will the bell sound again? Should we make a new one? The rules for engagement haven’t changed; they are still the same, . . . obedience to Supreme Law as a Nation.

Israel went into bondage for the sins of the nation. The churches today preach a popular gospel, one that speaks of individual salvation. Yet, only thirty percent of the Scriptures deal with the individual while the overwhelming balance, seventy percent, deals with government and the administration of a people. IT IS A BOOK OF LAW. . . FOR A PEOPLE . . . FOR A NATION! It is NOT a book of religion!

Page 138
His plan involves the active, free will choice of every individual. The simple choices we make will decide our fate for all time. We are offered an open door that beckons us to enter. To enter into His rest moves us away from pagan foolishness and traditions of men. Our allegiance to ignorance leads to our demise. Only truth gets us home!

There are no appointments like His appointments. There are no gifts like those Our Father offers.

Page 139
To the world it is foolishness. To fools it is a mark of their judgement.


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06: It’s About Time


Here we examine the difference between the calendar system Scripture teaches as opposed to what the churches teach and expose their reason why.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 93
If you claim to be following Scripture and our Saviour, wouldn’t He be your example? Wouldn’t you worship when He told you to worship and in the way He taught you how to worship?

Do you worship as He did, or do you follow some other philosophy?

We know there are many different systems of worship, many false, but only one that is true! Time is another element we can use to distinguish the true from the false. In a previous chapter we identified those who were not properly baptized are unable to answer a simple riddle in Scripture. So it is with the Scriptural system of time.

There is only One Creator and only One Author of time. We are either on His time schedule or that of someone else.

If you are a Christian and obey the Commandments, then you know the answer to the following question. If you’re not obedient to the Commandments or have been taught improperly, you will not be able to answer the question.

Q. According to Scripture, when does the year begin?

It’s a very simple question, wouldn’t you agree? So why is it that most people cannot answer it?

Many people will embroil themselves in controversy over which day to worship on, Friday, Saturday or Sunday? Some will say every day, others may claim any day. All these arguments are futile and reach a dead end unless they can go to the next level of understanding.

It’s a simple method of determining who is on track and who isn’t. There is no sense in discussing the fine points if one completely misses the big picture. To separate the sheep from the goats simply ask basic questions.

Page 102
When considering the Scriptural system of time, we must understand that we are dealing with an appointment based on a system orchestrated by the Creator of the universe. It’s His time! He sets the meeting! If we want the benefits, we get there. . .on time!! That’s the bottom line. We cannot control time, nor can we control Him. He made the clock before He made us.

Deception enters into this equation when you are given some of the pieces of the puzzle, but not all of them. Confusion takes place . . . sorry, you lose!!! Your adversary doesn’t care how he wins, as long as he keeps you from the truth. By distorting it, hiding it, or getting you frustrated looking for it, he wins. He wins by destroying you and that’s not in your best interest!

Going to a church where you don’t get the whole truth and the facts is like going to a football game, or a basketball game where there’s no ball. You look at each other, run around and make believe, but you can’t play ball. It’s a make believe ball game. In church, it’s make believe worship.


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05: Law or Lawlessness


This chapter exposes the error of the clergy’s claim that the Law has been done away. Here we examine and identify every one of the Ten Commandments, found in the New Testament. All ten of them.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 73
There are many erroneously indoctrinated clergy who say, “The law has been done away with,” “The law was nailed to the cross.”

Many, as the clergy of old, consider the Scriptures only in part, not as a whole. They reject the simple elements that allow them to understand the Law in its completeness. Accepting part of the Law, the clergy of old accepted only the Old Testament, not considering the witness and fulfillment of the New. In reality, the Old is the foretelling of the New.

Many modern clergy do the same, but conversely, claiming that New Testament Christianity is something different, something new. A New Covenant, they say, doing away with the Old. They disregard or throw away the Old Testament now saying, “You are saved by grace, the Law was done away with.”

Both, the Old and New Testaments, are intertwined as a finely woven garment, one acting as a witness and strength for the other. The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed whereas the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.

Page 75
It is a simple fact that you can only share what you have. If the clergy has been brainwashed and can no longer think for themselves, what do you think they are going to share with you?

Romans 13 rightly indicates in the very beginning, verse 1, “everyone is subject to a higher power. . .” even the highest officials of the land. We are not obligated to obey those who disobey higher law. Should we obey unlawful orders? Should we follow Hitler? Can a policeman tell you to steal because you regard him as an officer of the law?

Can a pastor tell you lies and get away with it? They do, much more than you realize because of ignorance, or wilful disobedience to Higher Law. In either case they are guilty before the Law.

Isaiah 9:16 and 10:1 read, “For the teachers of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.” v.10:1 “Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and to the writers that write wrongful things.”


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