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11: Come Out Of Her My People


It’s time to get serious. The facts before us call for prudent decision and wisdom to prevail.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 198
In the last few chapters we have exposed many factors identifying that Churches and Synagogues do not follow basic concepts of Scripture. In actuality, they are far removed from them.

If you wouldn’t go to a brothel to find a virtuous woman, then why would you go to a Church or Synagogue that denies Scriptural law to learn about Scripture.

Christianity, as a system of belief, doesn’t work and can’t possibly ever work because people are not being presented the truth of Scripture. Christianity, as practiced today, is full of idolatry, pagan practices and error. As long as lies and deception are the agenda, blessings will never prevail. We must learn to separate ourselves from what will defile and destroy us; we must understand the difference between the holy and the profane and that they cannot be mixed.

We have exposed multiple elements which are taught under the guise of “Christianity” which have nothing to do with the truth. The actual intent, deceptively and ever so subtly employed by “Christian” churches at large, is to lure you away and keep you far removed from the knowledge which lead you to the truth of liberty. It is senseless to pick any denomination over another as they have all been deficient in their duty.

“For all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of Yahweh,” Romans 3:23

Yes, all means, ALL!

“This people draweth nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honoreth Me with their lips; but have removed their heart far from Me. But in vain they do worship, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” Matt 15:8-9 and Isaiah 29:13

These texts and many others may now take on new significance for you.

It’s not our purpose that you abandon your faith but instead it is our desire to help you identify its true value and understand it more fully; help you learn how to restore it and how to further enhance it through learning about its practical application as it relates to your freedom and protection. The information presented to you in this book is meant to enlighten and motivate you focusing your attention on critical issues in order that you can begin to study for yourself. Use this information as a launching pad to boost your faith to new heights of understanding. Move from error, get back to basics! Focus on primary issues and navigate carefully through the maze of deception and confusion to which you have been exposed.

Many valuable resources are available to assist you in your study. Share the knowledge you acquire with family and friends. In a very short time your knowledge can exceed that of most clergy who have, in many cases have also been deceptively indoctrinated.

Page 205
If you want to clean up society the best place to start is by cleaning up the Churches. Within a properly structured Scriptural organization, people will learn about a government and a system of economics that will not fail. Seventy percent of Scripture teaches about the administration of people and government. It is “The Book of Law.” This Law was not given to individuals but rather to a nation of people who were called to come out of the stifling bondage, ignorance and oppression they were under.

It is the only Book on the planet that will teach you about the LAW OF LIBERTY. Most churches teach religion, not law. Religion is full of opinion and justification for human acts with tradition and error as its foundation. The law, on the other hand, is absolute. It is a teacher and your strength when applied properly. It’s your owner’s manual for a free and lawful society.

Page 209
Churches love to spiritualize everything away. Send it off to the future so they can keep you from looking at reality today. Reality is not what they are about. If the meek shall inherit the earth, where then do you think you will be in the end? We were made from the earth; it was given to us. It was made before us and for us. IT IS OUR INHERITANCE!

“Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, ON EARTH as it is in heaven. . . .”

We are the specific conduits through which Yahweh’s will is to be brought on this earth. We are literally the physical tools He employs to accomplish His will on this earth TODAY, not in some spiritual future time as taught by the churches. That’s just another ploy used to make the law ineffective. The churches are continually working to keep the truth and its benefits away from you.

The truth of Scripture is real, for a real world, with real people and with real consequences. . . Now! On This Earth!!


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