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04: The Missing “J”


Due to the particular reverence many people have for the name Jesus, this chapter further expands on this discussion as we examine many factors pertaining to the name Jesus.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 52
Because this issue is central to most Christian beliefs, we need to spend more time understanding the deception surrounding the name Jesus.

There are many, many references that can attest to the deception on this issue. What is included in this chapter is only a small sampling. For your deeper understanding, we recommend your personal study and verification of the facts.

As identified previously, the letter “J” is a recent addition to our language and is really only slightly older than America itself. It hasn’t been around a very long time, therefore, we can know for certain that Our Saviour’s name could not have been Jesus nor could Our Heavenly Father’s name have been Jehovah.

When moving from one language to another, words are either translated or transliterated.

Translation takes place when one language has an existing word that means exactly the same as the word being translated, such as the English word “door” and the French word “porte.” It’s a match. There is no confusion between the languages.

Transliteration, on the other hand, is the process of duplication of the phonetic elements which make up the sound of a word from one language into another because there is no equivalent word in that language. An example is the ancient Hebrew word “Halleluyah” to “Alleluia” in Greek. There is no equivalent in Greek, as it is a Hebrew word giving glory to The Almighty. One can easily see how the word is duplicated as closely as possible in phonetic sound using the elements within that alphabet and language system. The Greeks had no word, no name or reference to this Hebrew Deity, Yahweh.

There is no question that the true and proper names of Our Saviour and Creator could have been transliterated properly in any phonetic based language. Many other Hebrew names were transliterated in Scripture. Why not this one? The most important Name of all!


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03: Priests, Prostitutes, & Jesus Syndrome


In this Chapter we consider major factors the clergy uses to lead people astray and how universally the deception is promoted. Deception that was identified and foretold in the New Testament nearly two thousand years ago.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 43
Priests and Prostitutes are both found in the dictionary under the letter “P” however, that isn’t all they have in common. In all fairness, we should expand our discussion not only to include Priests, but also Pastors, Ministers, and Rabbis as well.

Scripture informs us about the great harlot, “Mystery Babylon,” the mother of all harlots and her many daughters. How can we rightfully identify her?

Let’s consider the actions of a prostitute or a harlot and examine the results. Doesn’t she turn away from her husband, who would protect and care for her, giving her attention to others?

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Because of her promiscuity, specific characteristic traits can be identified in her offspring as they generally develop serious dysfunctional disorders spiraling them into an abyss of immorality. The children have a yearning desire for comfort and unity but typically will follow the pattern and lifestyle to which they become accustomed and have been taught. The love they seek is not available from their mother and the love of their father is not known to them. How could they know their father when there are so many who could be.

Because a harlot turns away from her husband, her offspring will not know the father. Using this fact as a simple analogy let’s test the effectiveness of church teachings you are familiar with.


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02: Identifying Marks of The Church


This chapter examines Christianity not by looking at the differences but identifying the similarities and their origins. Using common dictionaries and encyclopedias we examine words used in Christianity. Words can tell an amazing story which cannot be denied.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 33
Suppose we select a book by the attractiveness of its cover or title and soon discover it doesn’t really match. It would be confusing. Like going to a Christian Church and finding that the priest is a rapist, or a pedophile. You would say something isn’t quite right here. It just doesn’t fit! But then again, if you studied pagan rituals and understood what the temple prostitutes did, both male and female, you would better understand, “there’s nothing new under the sun.”Eccl. 1:9

Page 34
Remember, as children our folks would say, “tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.” or “birds of a feather flock together.” The same can be applied to churches in identifying their allegiance, partnerships and affiliations.

Suppose one considered themselves to be a Christian and every other word out of their mouth was a curse or a cuss word. Would you consider them to be true believers? Guess you could tell them by their fruits couldn’t you?

Now let’s apply the same principles to the Churches that claim to promote the faith of Christianity and see how they stack up.

Let’s examine their words as well as the accurate definition of common words used in Church after Church throughout the land and see if they tell us a story.

. . . Let’s identify if we can, the direction in which the church leads us. Let’s consider the following common words:

CHURCH: Let’s save this word for last, unless you want to sneak a peek on your own, in your dictionary.(You’ll be surprised!!) . . .

Page 37
Interesting isn’t it?

We’re not considering anything here other than the accurate identification of words commonly used in these places we call Churches. The places that profess to teach about Christianity and truth but are using a language that gives honor to everything but truth. We haven’t even yet begun to discuss differences in pagan philosophies and the concepts of Scripture.


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01: Understanding Deception

Synopsis / Brief

This Chapter brings you to understand how deception has infiltrated religion and permeates our society in all aspects of our lives; it further identifies this deception has been supported by those we have trusted.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 9
Before entering into a study of any topic addressing truth you must first understand deception; what it is, how it works and who uses it.

We can compare the Scriptures to a big puzzle of let’s say ten thousand pieces. Your purpose is to work on the puzzle and put it together. In this case, with regard to Scripture, the problem you must contend with is “the lying pen of the Scribes” identified in Jeremiah 8:8-9

Because the Scriptures have been so manipulated, the task is indeed made more difficult. This difficulty does create an obstacle for those who are not serious or will not attempt to search for themselves. It is this same difficulty that will also serve to separate the sheep from the goats!

Manipulation of Scripture is accomplished through various methods. First, it’s like the cover of the puzzle being discarded making it more difficult for you to see the overall picture. Secondly, key pieces of the puzzle are removed making it more difficult to identify primary elements. And thirdly, pieces from other puzzles are added that do not fit at all. This, in simple terms, is your starting point.

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(in Scripture) words written in italics are strategically placed in the translation to “guide” you to that which the translators perceive to be correct. Words in italics are not found in the original texts. Read the preface of your Bible. It can be quite enlightening.

Truth is definable! It is verifiable! It can be duplicated and it is absolute! Deception, on the other hand, must contain as much truth as possible in order to be effective. However, it will always fail the test of close examination and scrutiny whereas truth will never fail!

Those who must shelter their opinions and fear critical examination are standing on weak ground. If honesty and truth are your choice, never be afraid to subject your beliefs to analysis.

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A glass full of water with only a minute amount of arsenic is still poison. Those who are thirsty will drink from it without ever realizing the cost. Religion has been called the opiate of the masses and is extremely useful in controlling others who would not diligently search out truth for themselves.

Keep your wits about you. Be aware and BEWARE! Seek the facts and test the results. Consider for a moment, if there are six hundred different denominations, and the Scriptures teach about unity and harmony, it is only logical there must be at least five hundred and ninety-nine in error . . . or possibly all six hundred.

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Religion, in a broad sense, is the principles by which one chooses to live. This may or may not be at all in harmony with Scripture. Religion may have its roots in philosophies that are totally foreign to Scripture, as evidenced by the multitude of teachings available today.

Religion is a multiplicity of philosophies, whereas truth is straight and narrow leading to and not departing from the Law of Liberty. Truth takes people out of bondage, it does not put them or keep them there.

Simply put, the elements of liberty protect and feed the sheep, whereas religion feeds from and fleeces the sheep.

Page 14
“First comes the natural, then the spiritual.” Our Saviour always taught the unknown by using examples of the known. He taught Spiritual concepts by using known physical realities.

No mumbo jumbo. . .but there is a caveat! He purposely taught using allegories and parables so some would not understand. “If you have ears to hear, and eyes to see” presupposes there are those who cannot or will not hear or see. We trust that you can and will understand as you read the pages of this book.

“Be in the world, but not of the world.” Is it possible there are two realms from which we can choose? Yes, absolutely! . .not only is it possible, it is fact! Begin to think in terms of duality and you will understand a great deal more.

Two systems, each operating at the same time in the same place. One based on the Law of Liberty, designed to keep you free; the other based on falsehood and deception, designed to deceive and control.. . .

The following is only a small sample, as this subject matter could be a complete book in itself. It is offered to help you understand more clearly the many levels of deception you continually face.


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00: Preface

This book was written after much study, research and reflection upon the practical aspects of the Christian faith, or shall we say, what is commonly regarded as the Christian faith.

Abortion, abuse, divorce, drugs, murder, violence. . .crimes of every perversion, all at unprecedented rates in Christian countries. Are they really Christian countries, or is it a masquerade?

What is Christianity? What does it mean to be Christian? Does Christianity represent truth or error? How do we know and how can we be sure?

These and other questions will be exposed to the light of scrutiny and to your reasonable consideration of the facts.

We live in an age where “knowledge has increased and people run to and fro.” To obey or follow mysticism and traditions of men with little or no understanding of what is really being presented and taught is the religion for fools. Following traditions of men is to participate in one of the largest cults on the face of the planet.

In many independent surveys, people considering themselves Christians could not answer the simplest questions relating to their faith. If they cannot answer the simplest questions how can they possibly understand the basic beliefs of their faith. What have they been taught? What religion, if any, are they really following?

As a reader, if you must protect a belief system that is not well founded, you will find critical examination difficult. Reading this book may be very trying for you as it will be mentally and emotionally challenging. If, on the otherhand, you are strong enough to examine yourself honestly and review the principles and foundations of what you have been taught, you will find this book very beneficial. Moving closer to the truth always allows us to see error more clearly.

For every question there is an answer, for every problem a solution. However, if the problem is not properly identified, you can never affect a proper solution. People are controlled, not so much by what they know, but by what they don’t know. Access to information, good information, is critical in making good choices.

Those who go to church week after week with little or no knowledge in what they are really participating, may find the contents of this book shocking. The premise of this book is not about religion but rather about the restoration of principles of Law and our proper relationship to them.

This book focuses on central issues relating to Christianity and is written in a language that can be understood by most who will endeavor to read its pages. Its primary emphasis is on elemental issues expanding into the practical aspects that affect our physical existence as opposed to undefinable traditions of religion. This is not a discussion based in the realm of academics and theologians; those considered by Scripture as the wise of this world who would not understand. . .blind leaders of the blind.

If the faith of Scripture is true, then it must have practical application in the real world. . .today! If it does not have practical value, why do we need it?

“The truth shall make you free.” If truth makes you free then it is reasonable to conclude that truth equals freedom. Would you choose one hundred percent truth or would you settle for less
. . . and how much less?

Your mission, if you will accept it, is to “study to show yourself approved.” The emphasis is on you. No one else can do it for you.

If you were invited to a great banquet only you could eat for yourself as it is quite impossible to eat for another, or for another to eat for you.

We now invite you to turn the pages to a very distinctive banquet and critically analyze for yourself the variety of information we bring to your table. We trust you will find it to be “food for life.”

To recall a simple, but profound statement spoken by a wise old gentleman, “Those who will not read, have no advantage over those who cannot read.” Yet, even if one can read and by all standards would be called “literate” if they do not understand the application of what they are reading they may, in fact, be “functionally illiterate.”

We invite you to consider the issues presented and encourage you to expand your study with additional research. Those who will not read and study are destined to the control of others. Your ability to think, study and reason is your greatest gift and the one primary element that can affect a positive change in your life acting as a continual check and balance against deception.

May your burden be lightened as you come out of darkness and into the light!!

An informative, controversial and enlightening expose of Christianity and its roots.

Christianity Unmasqued will undeniably change your perspective of Christianity and the doctrines you have been taught.

Christianity Unmasqued dares to broach two volatile subjects, religion and politics, exposing the hidden agenda between the politics of religion and the religion of politics.

Christianity Unmasqued reveals the frauds and deceptions that have been perpetrated against you by those you have trusted. A shocking expose of how traditions of Christianity have been used to deceive.

This book examines the practical aspects of Scripture in lieu of the doctrines commonly taught in Churches.

Christianity Unmasqued is a book that will most assuredly have an impact on every reader.

Read what others had to say.


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