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05: Law or Lawlessness


This chapter exposes the error of the clergy’s claim that the Law has been done away. Here we examine and identify every one of the Ten Commandments, found in the New Testament. All ten of them.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 73
There are many erroneously indoctrinated clergy who say, “The law has been done away with,” “The law was nailed to the cross.”

Many, as the clergy of old, consider the Scriptures only in part, not as a whole. They reject the simple elements that allow them to understand the Law in its completeness. Accepting part of the Law, the clergy of old accepted only the Old Testament, not considering the witness and fulfillment of the New. In reality, the Old is the foretelling of the New.

Many modern clergy do the same, but conversely, claiming that New Testament Christianity is something different, something new. A New Covenant, they say, doing away with the Old. They disregard or throw away the Old Testament now saying, “You are saved by grace, the Law was done away with.”

Both, the Old and New Testaments, are intertwined as a finely woven garment, one acting as a witness and strength for the other. The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed whereas the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.

Page 75
It is a simple fact that you can only share what you have. If the clergy has been brainwashed and can no longer think for themselves, what do you think they are going to share with you?

Romans 13 rightly indicates in the very beginning, verse 1, “everyone is subject to a higher power. . .” even the highest officials of the land. We are not obligated to obey those who disobey higher law. Should we obey unlawful orders? Should we follow Hitler? Can a policeman tell you to steal because you regard him as an officer of the law?

Can a pastor tell you lies and get away with it? They do, much more than you realize because of ignorance, or wilful disobedience to Higher Law. In either case they are guilty before the Law.

Isaiah 9:16 and 10:1 read, “For the teachers of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.” v.10:1 “Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and to the writers that write wrongful things.”


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