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08: Agent DeVil, 00-666


In this Chapter we look at the allegience of the Church, her relationships and the underlying agenda you are not to see.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 143
In every good story there are good guys and bad guys and one of them always wins over the other.

In this case the church is an agent assigned to bring you to her master. Does she bring you to liberty or does she bring you to bondage? Does she bring you to the good guy or does she bring you to the bad guy?

The church, as instructed, will bring you to whom she obeys and serves. If the church serves the Saviour she will bring you to Salvation. If she serves any other she will bring you to destruction.

Page 147
Roger Williams discovered that the allegiance of the church was tied to the money trail. The clergy was obedient to those who paid them and gave them benefits, the State. His book openly confronted the issue stating in no uncertain terms that if the clergy were paid by, or received benefits from the State, they were “none of Christ’s,” but did, in fact, belong to the State, their true master.

In this Country, especially in Church, falsehood abounds. The bigger the lie the more it’s accepted. Because there are few who will truly investigate a matter for themselves, deception is wide spread and quite easy to accomplish. It is easier to believe people in authority who claim to know the truth, than to research a matter and prove it for yourself.

In church after church and throughout the media, we are continually told and reminded there is and must be a separation of Church and State, yet in reality, with only the least bit of academic acumen and the simplest deductive reasoning of a child, one can easily ascertain that there is NO separation! They are really ONE in purpose.

As Roger Williams discovered then, so it is the same today. Churches are hirelings of the State and are not in any way serving the intent of their Scriptural duties.

If there were a separation of Church and State, they would act independently of each other. However, when we examine the issue we find just the opposite is true. There is a great deal of harmony and collusion between them.

Page 150
Naturally this does not come without cost. The task of the church and the clergy is to now bring all their members under control of the State, the new god and authority of the church. This is accomplished by ignoring Scriptural law and keeping you away from the truth through the use of contracts and deviant forms of currency in which we should never participate.

The Church turning from the Creator and looking for blessings from the creature has reversed the roles, now instead of the church feeding the sheep the sheep must be used to feed the church and subsequently the State. That means fleece the sheep or sacrifice them! Get whatever you can out of them while you can!

Anyone who goes to those churches will become designated victims. It may be difficult to comprehend how you are victimized but read on to “unmasque” more of today’s “Christianity.”

Page 157
It is only through ignorance and the promotion of deception that people can be led into the servitude of bondage.

You do not create a strong country by making its people weak, or by reducing their assets. A rich nation is not made up of poor people. The clergy, as the shepherd, does not care for or nurture the flock when it works to continually fleece the sheep and offer them as sacrifices to their worldly master.

Page 158
Now perhaps you can begin to understand why the Churches of this land have lost their ability to lead the sheep. They are going the wrong way! They cannot lead when they, themselves are lost!!

Exposure to the Churches’ hidden agenda creates an opportunity for you to choose. Do you become another victim in support of the lie or do you help unmasque the deception and remove yourself from it?

Do you turn away from truth sticking your head in the sand or go into a state of denial because of your admiration and love for the clergy or people in your church? Be honest with yourself!

Don’t look for truth from those who have no respect for it, or those who disregard the very Law that will keep us free.

“No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve Yahweh and mammon”
Luke 16:13

Only when you begin to comprehend these issues can you fully understand the Scriptural condemnation of the clergy and why it is so strong, and so fully justified.

Special Agent DeVil 00-666 masquerading as “the true church” tells you how nice heaven will be tomorrow while he leads you straight to hell today. Just another lie incorporating the same tactics used in the first great lie told to Eve, “you can disobey and live,. . . you won’t die.”


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