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09: The Gift of Fools


In this chapter we examine money and tithe, what the churches lead the people into versus what Scripture teaches about the matter.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 160
Q. Can you cure thirst with more thirst? Can you cure hunger with more hunger?

If both of these are impossible then the teachings of the Church and what it claims are also impossible.

Can you lead people to salvation by keeping them in bondage?

A thirsty man cannot be satisfied with an empty glass, nor can the truth of Scriptural salvation and the benefits thereof be realized when the clergy works against the interests of the people.

Can you alleviate the problems of a society that are caused by a debt based monetary system by creating, giving or collecting more debt? In essence, can you cure debt, with more debt?

Impossible in all cases. You will remain thirsty, hungry, and impoverished as a society until you break away from the lies and get back to the truth. It is totally impossible to be charitable by offering someone debt.

Ecclesiastes 5:1 cautions us about what to do with money when going to church, it reads, “Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of Elohim, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil.”

In church after church throughout the land, one hears about giving, paying tithe, how the “lord” loves a cheerful giver, but never do you hear the above text as it relates to giving.

The clergy would rather that you didn’t know or understand the truth about giving and paying tithe so they can lead and direct you where they choose . . . where they must.

This text means, if you are going to church, keep your eyes and ears open. Keep your wits about you and don’t be a participant in the fleecing. Keep your wallets and your pocketbooks closed.

It is literally impossible to pay a tithe or make an offering with either a check, money order or cash as we will soon see. Doing so would be offering the “gift of fools.”

In the previous chapter we briefly discussed the issue of taxes. Taxes are only symptomatic of a much larger problem in which the churches participate, that of a system of money which destroys every society that uses it.

You must remember, modern churches are agents of the State. Teaching of Scripture and the alignment of Scriptural principles is no longer their primary objective. Their task is to bring you into alignment with public policy as dictated by the State.


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