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14: The Beginning


In conclusion, when the reader has been exposed to facts identifying the hidden agenda of the Churches and clergy you will truly be brought to a new beginning.

Selected Excerpts:

Page 279
Most books share information, draw a conclusion and bring you to an end, but NOT this book!

This book brings you to a new beginning!

The information presented in this book has primarily focused on issues of deception within the Churches of this land; Churches, you and your family have probably attended, supported and trusted for years and years.

We have put on the bright lights and dispelled some of the darkness and confusion by which you have been controlled. But just as you come into the bright light after being in the dark for a long time it can be quite shocking and blinding. Let yourself adjust. You may wish to read this book over again or read areas of specific interest in order to understand the issues more fully. We do not suggest that you rely solely on the statements made within this book. In fact, to the contrary, we strongly encourage your additional research . . .get more information. As the Good Book says,. . . “Study to show yourself approved”!!

This book has exposed you to many elements of deception and hopefully it has brought you to an understanding of how deeply rooted these deceptions are and how they have affected all of us.

As you continue to do your own study and research, something will happen to you as you verify, confirm and find more information. You will now possess something you didn’t have before. You will possess the truth and the facts and as you study making it yours, you will have the ability to share it with others. . . .

Page 280
Unfortunately, much more can be expounded on than we can fit in this book. The information and discussions shared with you here are crucial and relate to all aspects of your life both, your physical mortal life and your physical eternal life, if you choose to accept that gift.

A new beginning is before you. Choices you must face, decisions you must make. Will you ask the simple effective questions of your clergy proving if they are aligned with Scripture? Will you study for yourself further expanding your knowledge? Or will you stay with the status quo and help perpetrate the error? It’s all a matter of choice!

It’s fair to assume that your clergy may also have been deceived and may not understand the facts we have shared with you. If he’s honest, he will understand his accountability in the face of judgement as his position is far more critical due to his responsibility to shepherd the flock. Yahweh is very concerned how his flock is treated and cared for and addresses this matter numerous times in Scripture.

The beginning of the rest of your life starts today!


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