Although this book is written to a Christian audience where many percieve Christianity to be of a Judeo-Christian in origin; when one comes to understand Judaism, the facts identify otherwise. Deception is rampant in both Christianity and Judaism. A discussion of the true role of Christianity and how it interfaces with Judaism.
Selected Excerpts:
Page 223
The Judeo-Christian faith is an oxymoron. It can never be.
To speak of a Judeo-Christian faith is equivalent to speaking of thundering silence, describing a short, tall man, or hot ice cream. An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which opposite or contradictory ideas or terms are combined. They are words used to confuse the mind.
To consider a discussion exposing the fallacy of the Judeo – Christian faith, one must understand the major differences between the two faiths.
Judaism rests primarily in the Talmud and relies on Rabbinical understanding, the traditions of men, rather than the simplicity of the Law given in the Torah. Judaism places burdens where they were never meant to be. This is what Our Saviour vehemently opposed and preached against. Christianity today, basically does the same so, in that regard, it may be said that it is a Judeo – Christian faith.
The word Jew is a word that is designed to confuse. To use it properly you must identify the context and references to which you are speaking each and every time it is used.
Are you speaking of a person, . . . a group of people, . . . people from Judea, . . .or possibly members of the tribe of Judah? Are you making reference to the Israelites, . . .or Israelis from Israel? Are we speaking of a people who are of Ashkenaz, Sephardic, or of other origins who call themselves Jews today? These questions and others must always be considered in order to identify the correct use of the word in every case.
Most organized denominations promote or consider Judaism, the religion of the Jews, to be the basis of the Christian faith. Many feel it is proper to bless the Jews, those following Judaism, and in so doing they also would be blessed. Are they misreading and misunderstanding the Scriptures? Do they truly understand what they believe? Who are the Jews? What is their faith? Are the Jews the chosen people of Scripture? Who are those, “that are called Jews, but are of the ‘Synagogue of Satan,” as identified in Revelation 2:9; 3:9?
Again, let us rely on common sense and logic to examine this topic.
Page 228
When we speak of the true faith we speak of the faith of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not the faith of the Jews and Judaism.
Page 229
When considering the differences, it becomes very apparent that there could never be a Judeo-Christian faith.
Those who align with Scripture trace their genealogy paternally (through the father), as opposed to Jews or being Jewish, whose lineage is defined by a maternal lineage (through the mother). This discrepancy is about as far apart as East is from West.
Page 243
Other Jewish sources that will attest to the validity of the matter are numerous.
“. . .we emphasized that there is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. . . .there is not any similarity between the two concepts.” Quoting Rabbi Moshe M. Maggal, 1961 in The Meaning of Judaism, by Rabbi Roland B. Gittelsohn, The World Publishing Company, 1970 p. 50
“. . .dialogues between Jews and Christians make no sense because there is neither common ground nor the possibility of important, unifying consequences. . . .
I think it’s high time somebody broke down and admitted that the phrase “Judeo-Christian tradition” is one of the most successful public-relations triumphs of the century. Our ancestors, both Christian and Jewish, would hardly have understood it. . . As Professor Walter Kaufmann of Princeton has pointed out, there is no more reason to talk about a Judeo-Christian tradition than there is to talk about a Judeo-Islamic or a Greco-Christian tradition. . .”
Antisemitism – Its History and Causes by Bernard Lazare, The International Library Publishing Co., 1903 pp.165-166
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wound up here 12: The Judeo – Christian Faith | Christianity Unmasqued.
And I do have 2 questions for you if you don’t mind. Is it only me or does it look like a few of the comments come across like left by brain dead folks?
we do have a facebook page ChristianityUnmasqued Check it out when you have a chance